Wednesday, August 31, 2011

8(B) - Character Interaction

Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of fiction and provide evidence from the text to support their understanding
8(B) describe characters in a story and the reason for their actions
9(B) describe characters in a story and the reasons for their actions and feelings
9(B) describe main characters in works of fiction, including their traits and motivations, and feelings
describe the interaction of characters including their relationships and the changes they undergo

third grade 8(B)
fourth grade 6(B)
6(B) explain the roles and functions of characters in various plots,  including their relationships and conflicts

Describe  the interaction of characters

Describe  the interaction of characters  including their relationships

Describe  the interaction of characters including the changes they undergo


  • Linda Hoyt -Read Aloud Think Together - Character Development page 117

  • Feeling & Emotion Chart - create the chart that helps students catagorize feelings , as the class or individuals come across feeling words they can add them to the chart
  • Create a Bubble Map showing character traits and the textual evidence..see below

After reading a text, determine a character's traits


Beneath the trait, provide textual evidence
    • character trait cards (english & spanish) - first class, elementary lang arts, curriculum, fluency,character traits
    • these cards can also be used in a fluency anchor station (seee below)
  • Making inferences about characters

  • As we read a text, take note of character feelings/emotions and how they change within the text.  We discussed several graphic options to illustrate those changes...see images below

  • Fairy Tales were suggested as a resource for character development to reinforce week 2 supporting standard - 5(A) paraphrase the themes and supporting details of fables, legends, mythsor stories

Anchor Activities:
  • character trait cards with fry phrases

Possible Test Questions:

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